Friday, 22 April 2011

Experience in Architecture Course

At the start Architecture is only for designing building and also drawing the parts of the building which can lead people to safety but it also needs mathematics and science to pursue and to create the structure safe and to secure its durability, its strength and the capacity and many other comments that can use to its safety precaution and measures. Architecture is about arts and science which is liable to make things be in order and to make another matrix or a tip which people lead to safety and the beauty of the structure where it is a place where it can be suitable for everyone and to experience its beauty to show the passion of an Architect which he or she (the Architect) be honored and be praised on his passion based on his or her performance which can be usable for any types of experience.

For me this kind of experience is tough and no joke because when we create buildings it is not only the drawing itself as our imagination but when we make a building it is not the drawing what we see anymore but what we make is already reality in facing any types of step by step inquiries and negotiations between not only the client but also we make deals with Engineers also because the work may take a long time by expenses on materials and also with the calculations which are maticolous for its samples and anything.

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