Saturday 23 April 2011

>In this concept everything may be used in illustrating and depicting a structure like an object which can be used as an idea or advertisement to others by showing the structure's design be an illustrative and showing its uniqueness but in making this kind of thing it must be used in an imagination or to use some references to make things be in a particular way of having the structure be in a way that can be more to interest.Like buidings and houses that people where using for its purposes like in the pictures below

Architectural Origin

Architecture began nothing at all but because of many objects that have seen like stones and wood the those materials are used for building early shelters like caves and houses e.g. nipa hut.

then when centuries came it structures began to have new designs building stone houses and temples and also having pillars in temples and goverment buildings like in Greece and in Rome

Then Romanesque,Rennaissance,Gothic where in this times buildings like Churches and castles during the middle ages up to the 16th century having structures with very magnificent and yet old but beautiful buildings that has many types of influences and historical occurances in those times and yet up to now some of the designs ares used in modern architecture in a way that can be put in a twist in these days.

For today in this 21st century we are already in the modern world and also advantages in technology are now at competitions also in the architecture world where buildings are now in skyscrapers,multi-story buildings and buildings that are very new to us and surprised with new design methods and structure which is not usuable but attractive to everyone in today's modern world Architecture has now in its goal to create any kinds of structures which are in a twist and also unsual senses to each and every one of us in this millenium which is kind of stages where influences of many are with like digital age and its new products for today.

Friday 22 April 2011

Experience in Architecture Course

At the start Architecture is only for designing building and also drawing the parts of the building which can lead people to safety but it also needs mathematics and science to pursue and to create the structure safe and to secure its durability, its strength and the capacity and many other comments that can use to its safety precaution and measures. Architecture is about arts and science which is liable to make things be in order and to make another matrix or a tip which people lead to safety and the beauty of the structure where it is a place where it can be suitable for everyone and to experience its beauty to show the passion of an Architect which he or she (the Architect) be honored and be praised on his passion based on his or her performance which can be usable for any types of experience.

For me this kind of experience is tough and no joke because when we create buildings it is not only the drawing itself as our imagination but when we make a building it is not the drawing what we see anymore but what we make is already reality in facing any types of step by step inquiries and negotiations between not only the client but also we make deals with Engineers also because the work may take a long time by expenses on materials and also with the calculations which are maticolous for its samples and anything.

Tuesday 5 April 2011


Perspective drawing is one of a technique drawing of an Architect or an ordinary artist person it is drawing using a point consists of the following horizon line, vanishing point, picture plane and the ground line. It is used in technichal or in freehand drawing using any types of imagination that we can use and to visualize to make drawing easier or be more visualized in portraying a drawing which can be measured to many who can use the drawing that can be made easier than ever.

In this concept everything may be used in illustrating and depicting a structure like an object which can be used as an idea or advertisement to others by showing the structure's design be an illustrative using a point and then a line in a triangular form.

There are 3 type of perspective;

one was the bird eyeview

second is the worms eye view

the third is the eye level or the eyeview which many appreciates this kind of perpsective in using the drawing in perspectives

Monday 4 April 2011

Characteristics of Architecture

There are some of types about architecture it consists of the meanings like drawing,designing buildings/structures,computations and calculations a combination of arts and mathematics( science) but also consists of making fundamental ideas which we can make buildings or any other types of structures which can make any of its designs can be glamorous and be more attractive


Being a person is an existence of living in this earth. It is a type that we can examine through our talents that we learn and to produce and share with one another. In the case of Architecture this word means designing building and drawing forms of structure and also we used also scinece and mathemathics to perform the structure in making the building by durability or the height and many more.
This kind of mentality and psychology Architecture is composed of science (the body a weight and height) and arts (creations,drawings,etc.)

It is where Architects performed their duty in making structures and making any sorroundings that can fit any person in its capacity and making therefore types of methods in designing and meticolous observations on the structure where it can make any types of definitions whic h van use as many different priorities in that structure.